ID001: Antik - Everything EP Incl. Hush & Sleep Remix
Infinite Depth is really proud to introduce to you the very first EP of the label. The EP includes three originals by Antik and a remix by rising Dutch duo Hush & Sleep (@hushandsleep). It's an EP that can be praised by its minimal and deep, but big techno sound and by its great mixdowns. Starting off the EP with ‘Everything’, a floating techno track with drums and vocals emerging from the depth covered by a blanket of sharp and atmospheric sounds. As follow up, Hush & Sleep managed to create an aggressive and even more pounding brother of the original track. With ‘Radius’ a catchy track is born. During the track a compelling melody is evolving into a dark and mysterious monster which gets beaten down once, but will rise up again. The last track of the EP, called ‘Tantalos’, show you the variety of Antik and Infinite Depth. It is a track which pulls you slowly into the deep and will only release you at the moment it finishes.